Sunday, November 13, 2011

Home is where you make it.

I've decided that I want home to be my big idea. I have lived in the same house for my entire remembered life. Over the past three years, I've lived in three additional places: An apartment in a town near by, Boston for freshman year, and now Columbus. Over these same three years, our house as been on the market. This has caused me to continually try to figure out where or what is home. The idea of home was present in my first micro project, and I'd like to continue it into my final project.
I'd like to visually show the mixture of my past experiences and how they now form what I think of as home. I think I'd like objects and ideas to form one larger object, maybe the shape of a house or me. There will probably be a lot of layering and some things may be more distinct and larger than others. The project will likely be manipulated digital images, mostly ones that I have taken myself. It may be a physical collage of images, depending on how well the images will print out. I really don't know what rules I will set for myself other than the fact that it must be clear that there is a lot of influence and that it has to fit into a small amount of space. But it must do this effectively. Just looking busy isn't enough if people don't see the detail. Denotations will be obvious and everyday objects (at least for that particular locale). The connotations should seem fairly obvious after people view the image, whether or not they know my back story. I find that people confuse the images that I create because they don't know the story behind that  and I would like to avoid that for this project. Overall, my project should be able to explain myself through visuals, not through explanation.

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