Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I adore awesome alliterations

These are a few of my favorite things...

Pillows: My mom and I made these pillows for my room because we needed to pull together two colors that normally don't match. We're both crazy about matching things and if we don't find things that we like, we make it ourselves. These pillows are very telling about both of our personalities, as well as how close we are, both in task and in thought.
"control freaks"

Cheez-Its: My little brother and I both have a fondness for snack food. Unfortunately, he eats everything (seriously. EVERYTHING.) in one sitting, leaving me to starve to death in my own home. This happens most often with Cheez-Its. I can now taunt him that he is 8.5 hours from eating MY Cheez-Its. It's all friendly competition. Until I get hungry.
"sibling love"

Heart Ring: My boyfriend gave me a ring as my "going off to college" gift after senior year. The first was a victim of airport security, its replacement- squashed by a child at work. This is my current ring. It gives me a feeling of security and reminds me to calm down when I am panicked. I am so used to wearing rings that I feel naked without it. 
"security blanket"

Dove Necklace: I got this necklace for Christmas from my boyfriend. I really liked the dove design because it reminds me of Jenny in the corn field in Forrest Gump. I wear it everyday, with every outfit. It's from Tiffany, but I enjoy that it doesn't say "Tiffany & Co.". It's silent luxury.
"bird brain"

Lamb Blanket: I always get the least amount of presents at Christmas. One year this blanket was my big gift from my mom. It is warm and soft and gives you a fuzzy feeling inside when you touch it. I love it because it reminds me of Christmas at home, which is really important to my family. I also like that the lamb face is not prominent, so it looks like a normal blanket until you notice the corner, then it gets a zillion times cuter.
"warm fuzzies"

Laptop: I don't know what I would do without my laptop. It lets me do school work, waste time, watch movies, listen to music, talk to people, shop, and a gazillion other things, all while not making me leave my bed. I'd probably go crazy without it. It organizes my life an keeps me sane while I'm at home. I need it.
"computer crazed"

Blackberry: My. Phone. Is. Pink. This was basically the deciding factor for my purchase. It's my first smartphone and is horribly, horribly addicting. It gives me the basic luxuries of my laptop, but in my pocket, and in my favorite color. I can keep in touch with anyone from anywhere and I love it. I love people. I want to talk to them. All the time.
"constant contact"

iPod: I loved music. It was one of the most interesting things about me. I miss music. When I listen to my  iPod, I remember where I was and what I felt when I first heard the song, or a time when that song was important. I listen to it now as a way to remember who I was and the good and bad times I had. For me, it's a musical yearbook, and all the the photos and signatures are in my head.
"musical memories.

Crown Royal bag: All of my things are organized in Crown Royal bags. My dad keeps Crown Royal in business so I took all of his bags as both memories and a badass storage system. My dad and I don't really get along, so it's nice to have something of his around that is not too sappy or anything like that, but still reminds me of home.
"classy stash-y"

Woven Bracelet: In high school, I was involved in International Affairs Club, to which almost all of my friends belonged. We sold these bracelets to raise money for schools in Africa. It reminds me of the awesome times I had with the people, and how much fun it was to do something good. I'm a sucker for humanitarian causes and nostalgia, which this bracelet sums up pretty well.

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