Sunday, October 9, 2011

Microproject 1

My walk to class can be cut into two halves: my walk north of Lane, and my walk south of Lane. This walk is documented in the layer which includes a transparent Google maps image of my walk, beginning at my front door, ending at the Stadium. In the northern part of my journey, I walk down Neil, taking in the remnants of the weekend's (or let's be serious, weekday's) partying. When I'm not looking at beer bottles on the lawns, I'm looking for them on the sidewalk. Once I cross Lane, everything is brick and professional and in order; sidewalks are even, buildings aren't falling apart. To represent this change from North to South, I added a layer which provides a beer bottle pattern in the area north of Lane and a brick pattern in the area South of Lane. This layer can be seen through the map as to place all specific locations under their proper category: glass or brick. As my next layer, I chose what I think of when I think of my starting and end points. Because this is not my home, I start not with a picture of a home, but of a home base. I end my journey at the stadium which is denoted with a football, going with both the theme of the building, but also it's shape. Finally, I tie everything together with Wizard of Oz references. I found these fitting because of the materials which I used to describe the two portions of my walk. Additionally, it brings in the idea, like the home base, that I am not completely at home here. The movie references a lucky and coincidental connection to my original idea, and the last layer added to my project.


  1. Overall this was a very interesting image to me. I think the idea of putting the brick road in the background was very creative and really makes the image look good. The only thing I can think of doing differently is I would make your partying experiences more prevalent in the image. The only reason I say this is because it seems like your walk to class reminds you a lot more of this than what is shown in the image. But overall this is a very good piece and I am happy I got to be the one to look over it.

  2. Very nice explanation Megan. I really liked the difference you set up from off campus to on-campus. We should talk about camera usage more so you can document everything the way you see it (with observation and humor).
    Nice job.
